- Product Purchased : Monkey Bars with 2 x Pull Up Bars
- Tallest Bar Height : 2.4m
- Added Extras : Swing, 4 x Ladder bars for accessing Monkey Bars
- Who is using : Adults and children (recreational fun and family exercise)
- Age : 4+
- Customer Case Study : David – North London
Synopsis – The following post is by Project Manager Amy. It looks at how we designed an outdoor gym for a customer and what happened when we had to change it on the installation day…
What Gym Design was our Customer Looking for?
David got in touch with Xorbars, already a design in mind for a Monkey Bar installation and two separate Pull Up Bars which he had provided a sketch of. The design had one low pull up bar for the kids to roll over and hang upside down on (a kids favourite pastime!) and a high pull up bar with the intention of pull ups for the adults. Based on his design I suggested our hugely popular Cube Gym as it was the difference of adding one bar, it would add strength and stability to have all bars joined together and another bar for even more exercise and fun.
The Cube Outdoor Gym didn’t work with the Garden Design!
After discussion about the space/location the gym was being installed into, it was decided that for useability, the Cube Gym wasn’t going to be the best option this time. The garden was a narrow rectangular shape with the gym required to fit lengthways, it would mean one bar of the Cube would be unusable.
A Monkey Bar it was to be, running parallel down the garden in line with the boundary fence and two 5ft Bars in an L shape off the corner of the Monkey bars.
4 x Ladder bars were added to the gym for the children to access the Monkey bars, we always recommend having three bars at one end to climb up and then one bar positioned mid height at the opposite end for jumping down or perching on for a return journey.
How far should the monkey bars be from a fence?
The plan was to install the monkey bars along the fence. In small gardens we generally recommend a minimum distance of 500mm away from a fence or boundary, 800mm in an ideal world just so you have full usability round the gym.
On the day of the monkey bar installation we made some changes
Access to the site of the Gym wasn’t an issue at all with a private access leading up to the back gate, unloading the van and setting all materials out was simple and straight forward, water easily accessible which makes installing much easier.
Upon seeing the layout of the garden and having a quick chat with our customer David, installer James made the suggestion to have the Monkey Bars run across the garden width, this enabled the full length of the garden to be useable access, it also created the perfect football goal area underneath !
The pull up bars were separated and located either end of the monkey bars creating a Z shaped gym. David wanted to add a swing on the high bar also, so this gave the space between the bars meaning both could be used simultaneously.
Design really doesn’t stop in the office! We always try and be as flexible and adaptive as possible.
And What did the customer say about us?
Another happy Xorbars customer with this feedback ” The Xorbars are a big success, all 3 of our children love playing on them and my wife and I have been trying some ‘assisted’ pull-ups and other exercises. “
Please get in touch if you would like my help designing your outdoor garden gym.
Amy Sercome – Xorbars project manager